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Understand Blockchain and how our ideas can help boost the value of your business.

Innovative technologies that boost results

With applications in business process optimization, marketing, customer interaction, brand recognition and loyalty, blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business and financial transactions.

Because it is a protocol that, when applied, makes it impossible to defraud, omit, destroy or copy any information without the consensus of the parties involved, blockchain could be the key to more transparent and incorruptible processes. It has become a brilliant way of managing public money, tracking processes from producer to consumer and a multitude of possibilities wherever there is a need for clear, auditable and immutable processes.

Offering greater security, transparency and efficiency, blockchain technologies allow companies to have their own cryptocurrency and wallet, accept crypto payments with ERP integrations, develop ecosystems that build loyalty and monetize communities, while reducing CAC.

Loyalty 3.0: Loyalty on Blockchain

Blockchain has already proved effective in the financial sector, for example with crypto-assets. In addition to exchanging digital assets for payments, blockchain also powers communities through loyalty programs.

With the consumer at the heart of the operation, they are the biggest asset in promoting, engaging and converting the brand. With gamified actions, the customer becomes an active part of the brand and also participates in the results, with token bonuses for their shares and sales.

Loyalty 3.0 redefines loyalty building, integrating blockchain and innovative strategies that not only increase engagement and Lifetime Value, but also generate a new source of revenue for brands.

Blockchain offers significant advantages for companies, such as greater security, efficiency and innovation. Its applications range from financial transactions to smart contracts and optimization in data chain management, making it an essential trend for the future of business.

Gabriel Marinho

Blockchain engineer at Wibx Company.

Related insights


Explore a significant new source of income in immersive ecosystems that allow a real connection with users, boosting customer acquisition and maintenance.

Cryptoassets and tokens

A powerful tool for bringing consumers closer together, rewarding and motivating them, optimizing exchange relationships and community engagement.


Commemorative collections, loyalty programs and brand engagement - NFTs are an opportunity to position and build loyalty with communities.


New immersive experiences that broaden the connection between brands, products and consumers. Transposing the physical barrier and enabling more impactful and innovative actions.

Emerging Blockchain Trends

Solving one of the biggest pain points of the entertainment and events market, security and authenticity, Blockchain Tickets are immutable and authenticated tickets. By combating scalping and increasing trust in transactions, digital tickets also provide unique artistic interactions, turning them into memorable assets that transcend the event itself.

In addition to Blockchain Tickets, Blockchain Games are one of the strongest trends on WEB3. By assigning real value to assets, WEB3's earnings from games go beyond the game barrier with the monetization of players' assets.

In our games, our Wibx utility token is the financial engine that guarantees secure and interoperable transactions, both in our games and those of partners in the ecosystem. From wrapped tokens and whitelabel Wibx, we create customized currencies and integrate the blockchain into existing games.

Understand how WEB3 can boost your business


Impact on the markets


The blockchain represents one of the greatest historical advances in the financial market, since it makes it possible to create processes that involve unquestionable security, speed and efficiency.


Blockchain will bring more versatility to the means of payment, improvements in the process of tracking products and simplicity in recording consumption.


Blockchain presents itself as a real revolution in the equation formed by artists, fans and record labels, presenting new ways of connecting, engaging and interacting, as well as having total clarity in the management of payment descriptions and play reports on platforms.


Blockchain represents a universe of new possibilities for immersive interactions that bring brands closer to their customers, through gamified actions, cashback 3.0, metaverse and more.


The impact of blockchain on the gaming industry is mainly due to the advancement of the crypto economy and the constant presence of transactions involving digital assets, whose value on the real market is so significant that it is even greater than the economy of entire cities.


Using blockchain technology in the market offers a number of benefits for companies, such as reducing intermediaries, allowing contracts to be executed directly and eliminating costs and delays. In addition, blockchain increases the security of negotiations, efficiency and innovation.

Its applications range from financial transactions to smart contracts and optimization in data chain management, making it an essential trend for the future of business.

Yes, any company can integrate this technology. The benefits of blockchain are advantageous for companies in various sectors, offering greater security, efficiency and innovation, and can be applied to everything from financial transactions to smart contracts and optimizing data chain management.

The use of blockchain is not limited to large corporations, it is becoming an essential trend for the future of business, with the potential to be part of the daily lives of companies of all sizes.
